Hogle Trail Revitalization

Waterfront Safety Improvements

WITH GRANT FUNDING FROM THE VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES, we’ll be making significant improvements to the Hogle Trail connection, which wraps around the shoreline of Wantastegok (Retreat Meadows).

The project will increase accessibility by removing and repairing three damaged bridges, leveling and grading, and clearing invasive vegetation. Work will begin this winter and continue in stages throughout 2023 and into 2024, with periodic trail closures for bridge repairs.

As a part of the VTrans Route 30 paving project, a crosswalk will be added between the Farm and Wantastegok so visitors can safely cross the busy road to access the trailhead and boat launch.

Have you met Dan Berthelette? Our Lands Manager is a certified arborist and cares deeply about the health of our trail network. Please reach out to Dan with concerns regarding safety or trail conditions at dberthelette@retreatfarm.org.